Procreate page assist

Page assist on procreate- what it is and how to turn it on.

First of all, what is procreate’s page assist and what would you use it for? Page assist is a layout that allows you to switch from layer to layer, or in this case, from page to page. It allows you to have multiple drawings going on at the same time. The pages are laid out in a row, allowing you to go between pages. It’s like if you ripped a sketchbook’s pages out and laid them all out in a neat row. Page assist is like procreate’s version of a sketchbook or a comic book. Page assist allows you to make multi-page creations, which is great if you want to make your drawings into a comic book or sketchbook that you can scroll through.

Now let’s turn page assist on and see how to use it. Go to actions>canvas, and then tap the Page Assist toggle switch. Now page assist is active. Tap on the canvas to get out of actions. Now let’s look at Page assist.

Page assist is a bar that will show up towards the bottom of your screen. It is similar to animation assist. Each page is a new layer. Therefore, if you had multiple layers before you turned page assist on, those layers will now be individual pages.

Click ‘New Page’ in the top right corner of page assist to create a new page/layer. Click on a page to go to it. If you want to duplicate or delete a page, choose the page you want to duplicate or delete. Then click again and you can choose to either duplicate or delete the page. If you do this to the first page, a third option called ‘background’ will come up. ‘Background’ turns the contents on the first page to the background of every page.

When you switch pages, the canvas will only show the contents of that page.

That’s page assist for you. If you have any questions, be sure to comment.

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