Invert selection on Procreate - How to invert a selection on Procreate and what it is.
If you want to know how to invert a selection in Procreate, you’ve come to the right place.
There are two questions I’ll answer in this blog post. First, how do you invert a selection on Procreate? Then, what is Procreate’s invert selection?
How do you invert a selection on Procreate?
Select a portion of your drawing using the selection tool, then look at the options for editing this selection. One of the options is invert. Click invert and you have inverted a selection on Procreate.
What does it mean to invert your selections? Invert, when using the selection tool on procreate specifically, turns the selected area into the non-selected area.
How is invert helpful? For instance, if you wanted to select all of the canvas except for a part of it, you could select the part you want to save and then click invert.
Here’s an example of how inverting a selection works. This is my drawing before I selected anything.
This is after I selected the middle circle. Color fill is on, which is why the circle turned red.
This is after I clicked invert. The middle circle turned back to yellow and everything but the middle circle turned red.
That’s all on inverting a selection, but before you go, are you interested in learning more about procreate? If so, why don’t you join our email list?
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