How to turn your canvas’s background transparent on Procreate - How to remove your background color on Procreate

How to turn your canvas’s background transparent on Procreate - How to remove your background color on Procreate

Welcome! In this blog post, let me show you how to make your background transparent in Procreate. 

What background am I going to remove? I am going to remove the background color. This is the background that acts as a base for your canvas. Removing this leaves only what you’ve drawn and a small outline of the canvas. 

To remove the background color, go to layers, which is in the top, right corner. Do you see the layer called ‘Background color’? There should be a checkbox. 

If you click the checkbox, the background color layer will be turned off. Then, you have a transparent background. 

Here’s a before and after:

BEFORE                                              AFTER


By the way, the brush that was used to make the before and after pictures is featured in our 3D brush set. Check out our brush set here

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