How to make stamps on Procreate; create your own stamp brush on Procreate
Do you want to learn how to make stamp brushes in Procreate? In this blog, I’ll show you how in easy steps. First, what exactly is a stamp brush?
A stamp brush in Procreate refers to a Procreate brush that has a particular shape. It could be a star or a flower. It could be just about anything. When you use that stamp brush, you get that same shape.
Let’s get right into how to make a stamp brush for Procreate.
Step 1: Create a canvas. This canvas needs to be square.
Step 2: Turn the background color off. Go to layers and click the checkbox for the background color. This will turn the background off. A slight outline of the edges of the canvas will tell you where the canvas is.
Step 3: Draw or import the shape or picture of your stamp to the canvas. Make sure you change the color to white to draw your stamp.
Step 4: Copy the canvas. Click the ‘Actions’ button, which looks like a wrench icon. Then click the ‘Add’ tab. Click ‘Copy Canvas’.
Step 5: Create a new brush. Click the paintbrush icon to access the brush library. In the top right corner, you’ll a plus sign. Click this.
Step 6: Edit the brush shape. Go to ‘Shape’. Click ‘Edit’.
Step 7: Paste. Go to ‘Import’ and click ‘Paste’. Then click ‘Done’.
Step 8: Change the spacing. Go to ‘Stroke Path’. Then change the spacing. As you can tell by the picture, I brought my spacing up to 77%. Before, it was at something like 17%. Changing the spacing makes sure that you get one stamp at a time from your brush. Otherwise, there will be multiple stamps stacked on top of each other.
Step 9: Change the size. Go to ‘Properties’. I suggest bringing the maximum size up. I brought the maximum size up to more than 1000%. Bringing the maximum size up allows you great fluctuation as to how big you want your stamp to be. I also turned the ‘Stamp Preview’ toggle on. This changes the way your brush is shown in the brush library. Typically, the brush’s thumbnail is displayed as a brush stroke. Turning ‘Stamp Preview’ on changes the brush’s thumbnail to a stamp, not a brush stroke.
Step 10: Change the name. Go to ‘About this brush’ and click the name. Type in the new, desired one. Then click ‘Done’.
Step 11: Enjoy! Now you can use your stamp brush.
That’s all!
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