How to delete layers in Procreate - Delete multiple layers quickly!

How to delete layers in Procreate - Delete multiple layers quickly!

In this blog post, I’m going to show you two methods to delete layers in Procreate. The first method is useful if you’re only deleting one layer. The second method will show you the fastest way to delete multiple layers. 

Method 1:

 First, go to layers. Make sure that the layer you want to delete is blue. Then, put your finger on the thumbnail (picture) of the layer and swipe from right to left. Take your finger off the screen, then click delete.

 Method 2 (to delete many layers quickly):

Go to layers. Make sure you’re on one of the layers you want to delete. Then, put your finger on the thumbnail (picture) of another one of the layers you want to delete. Slide the finger that is on the thumbnail from left to right. This layer will turn a darker shade of blue.

Do this to all of the layers you want to delete. When you’ve selected all of the layers you want to delete, look towards the top of your screen. To the right of where it says ‘Layers’ there is ‘Delete’. Simply click ‘Delete’ and all of these layers will be deleted. 


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