How to change your procreate brush’s MAX size (with pictures!)
You’re making a drawing and you need a BIG brush! You change the size of the brush so it is at it’s biggest and start drawing… only for disappointment. The brush you need to use is tiny! Is there a way to change this? There is a way, which I am about to show you.
First of all, this is what my brush’s max size looks like currently. It’s tiny. The brush I’m going to change is procreate’s technical pencil. First step: Click on the paintbrush tool to access the brush library.
Tap on the brush you want to change, unless it’s already selected. Then tap on it again. Brush Studio should come up. Tap properties.
Go to brush behavior. Here, you’ll see maximum and minimum size. My brush’s maximum size was only at 5%! Comment what your maximum size was.
Now, all you have to do is increase the maximum size. Then click done and use your brush. You’ll see a big change! Here’s what happened to mine:
As you can tell, the maximum size changed dramatically!
You may be wondering though, why was the maximum size so low? This is because of the type of brush it is. For example, the technical pencil is meant to be small, like a pencil, so it makes sense to keep the max size down. Keep this in mind if you change a brush’s max size or decide to create a brush.
Speaking of creating brushes, did you know I’ve made some Procreate brushes you might enjoy? Check them out in Products.
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