Testing Art Hacks; Are they FAKE?
Do you watch 5-minute crafts or any other art/craft/hack channel and ever wonder if you can actually do their “hack”? I do, so I decided to test three art hacks. Here we go.
Watch the video:
First of all, I want to make sure everyone knows I don’t dislike 5-minute crafts or anything. I think they’re very creative, but I think their hacks should be tested and not just assume they work. That’s why I’m testing them.
These hacks I’m testing are from 5-minute crafts tech and 5-minute crafts recycle. The video links will be at the bottom of this article.
#1 Marker Hack
The first hack I tested was the marker hack. I saw this quite a lot when I watched art hack videos and I thought it looked pretty cool. All you do is press one marker tip against the other and they bleed together. Then you use it on paper and it blends from one color to another.
So, I did what they did and this is what I found out; it works! It really does. A few tips and things I noticed:
1.You might have to press the marker into the other to get enough dye into it.
2. The dye doesn’t stay in very long.
3. Make sure you start from the tip and go down when coloring with the marker to get the perfect blend or vice versa.
4. Some colors show up better on different markers than others.
Here’s how some of my color combos turned out.
#2 Perfect Circle Hack
Now it’s time for the second hack; the perfect circle.
Everyone wants to draw a perfect circle and 5-minute crafts makes it look easy. All you do is grab a marker in your hand, point your index finger out on the paper and, with your other hand, spin the paper. Then, magically, you have a perfect circle.
I tried it, and it didn’t work very well. It was rounder and more circle-like, but it didn’t connect at the end. You can do it, but you must have your index finger in the same spot the whole time, and, if you’re like me, your index finger moved just a little bit when the paper moved. So this hack works, but you might need to practice a little bit.
Hack #3
Now it’s time for a fun-looking hack. I don’t know what to call it so it’s just plain hack #3, but if you have any ideas, definitely comment!
This hack is simple. You take a pen that’s run out of ink and write a message on paper. When you give it to someone, all they need to do is color over it using colored pencil and there’s a message reveal! I tried it. I tried it again… and again. I found out that you have to press hard with your pen when writing or most of the message won’t show up. Otherwise, it works very well. In the video they used something like sketch paper, but I used printer paper and it still worked!
I was surprised when I tried these hacks and none of them failed, although they didn’t work as well as I thought. You should definitely try these hacks if you liked any of them. If you like baking, see my blog on testing baking hacks (it was very interesting!). For now, see you next blog!
Testing Baking Hacks Blog:
Links To Videos I used:
Cool Drawing Techniques & Art Hacks For Beginners
Magical Art Hacks to Boost Your Creativity