Procreate reference image

Procreate Reference Image - how to add a reference picture on Procreate

Did you know you can add a reference photo to your Procreate drawing? You can zoom in on and move this reference picture. It is extremely helpful when you’re drawing.

Adding a reference image is super easy, and I will show you how to do it in a second. First, you need to know that there is such a thing as a Procreate reference layer. You can learn about Procreate reference layers here. A reference layer and reference image are two totally different things. For now, know that a reference layer has to do with ColorDrop. 

Let’s get into learning how to add a reference image. First, go to actions. Go to the canvas section. Then tap the reference toggle switch.

Procreate reference

Then the reference panel will appear. You can choose to have the canvas displayed, choose an image or have the canvas displayed on your face. Yes, your face. I won’t get into the face option at all, but let’s talk about adding an image. 

Click ‘Import’ or “Import image’ to import an image. Then choose an image and it will show up on the reference panel. After that, you can keep drawing, move the reference panel, or zoom in on the reference picture. 

Reference picture

If you’re worried that once you leave Procreate the reference will go away, you don’t have to worry. The reference panel and image will still be there. If you don’t want an image on the reference panel anymore, click ‘Clear’. If you want a different image, click ‘Import’.

Let’s talk about the canvas option a little bit. This option simply shows you a duplicate of the canvas as you draw. It is cool since you can see yourself draw in real time without your hand in the way. 

That’s it for this blog post.

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