How to use color picker on procreate - the Procreate eyedropper shortcut

How to use color picker on procreate - the Procreate eyedropper shortcut

I’m sure we’ve all been in a spot when we’re drawing on Procreate and need to use a color again or get a color in between two colors. There are many ways to do this, but Procreate’s color picker (a.k.a eyedropper) is the easiest, fastest and most convenient way to do this. Here, I’ll show you how to activate and use color picker, and how to create shortcuts for it. 

But wait! Before we move on, there’s something important that has to do with procreate you need to know about. There’s an email list where you’ll get free procreate brushes and learn new tips and tricks about procreate. These two things can really change how you draw on procreate; in a good way! To sign up, click the red tab at the bottom of your screen or learn more.

(Note: Color picker and eyedropper are the same thing, so I will use these two names interchangeably. Comment which name you like better.)

First of all, you need to know what color picker does. Color picker allows you to pick any color from your canvas and make that color your current color.

This is what the color picker should look like:

There are two default ways to activate Color picker. The first one is to hold your finger on the canvas. The color picker will show up. Don’t lift your finger up yet. You can then move your finger to the color on the canvas that you want. The bottom half of the eyedropper’s ring will be your current color, and the top half will be the color the eyedropper/color picker is picking up. Once you’re at the color you want, lift your finger off the eyedropper. The color you chose will now be your current color and the eyedropper will disappear. The second way is to look at your side bar. You’ll see in between the two slides is a little box. If you click this, the color picker will show up.

The box used to activate Color picker is called the modify box. The modify box can be customized so that the color picker will be replaced with another function, but the color picker is activated by the modify box by default unless changed.

 How do you customize the color picker? Go to actions>prefs>gesture controls>eyedropper. Here, you’ll find a menu with options that mostly customize how you activate color picker. On the menu, you’ll see an outline of a box that represents the modify button.

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this blog and got valuable information from it. I hope to see you in another blog soon!

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