How to paint watercolor in Procreate
Do you want to paint watercolor in Procreate but don’t know how? Find out how to paint watercolor in Procreate by reading more.
Painting watercolor in Procreate isn’t as hard as you think. There are two main things you need when it comes to painting watercolor in Procreate: 1. watercolor brushes and 2. watercolor know-how.
Watercolor Brushes
You can’t paint watercolor paintings in Procreate if you don’t have watercolor brushes; you simply can’t paint watercolor without them. Not having watercolor brushes (digital ones) is equivalent to not having water or watercolor paint (physical).
Let me elaborate on why you can’t use any brush in Procreate to create watercolor paintings. Each brush in Procreate has specific and different qualities that allows it to imitate textures, paints, and brushes. Each brush is specific enough that you probably won’t use it that much. That’s why there are so many brushes in Procreate. However, Procreate doesn’t have many watercolor-like brushes. That makes it very hard to paint watercolor because not many of the brushes look like watercolor!
How do you get watercolor brushes. Unfortunately, you either have to make your own brushes or buy some. I suggest buying some because trying to make your own takes a long time with lots of trial and error.
Before we continue, I have something to tell you. If you want to learn tips, tricks, shortcuts and more on Procreate, here’s an easy way to do that; sign up for our email list! You’ll get all of those tips and tricks delivered to your inbox! You’ll also be able to get brushes for Procreate from our collection ‘Single Brushes For Procreate’ EXCLUSIVELY FREE! Become a pro on Procreate for FREE without all of the hassle. Just enter your email and you’ll be on your way to becoming a pro! Let’s continue on with the blog post.
There are many places to buy watercolor brushes from. Our watercolor set is below.
Watercolor Know-how
There are three things I would consider to be part of Procreate watercolor know-how:
1. Experience with regular watercolor
2. Experience with Procreate
3. Experience with your watercolor brushes
Those three things combined allow you to adjust the different feel Procreate watercolor has. The most important one is the last one, Experience with your watercolor brushes. Watercolor brushes for Procreate are going to be different than your typical watercolor brushes. Knowing how each one feels and looks helps you to adjust to create the most realistic watercolor painting.
That’s all you need to create a watercolor painting in Procreate.
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed. Make sure to subscribe to our emails so you can get content like this delivered to your inbox. Don’t forget to check out our other blog posts and our brushes for Procreate.