How to draw a perfect circle in procreate - include pictures!
Do you want to learn how to draw a perfect circle in procreate? Good news, because there’s an easy way to get a perfect circle in procreate. Let me show you how.
To get a perfect circle on procreate, you need to learn about a handy feature on procreate called Quickshape. Quickshape allows you to make perfect shapes. This tool takes already created shapes and enhances them so they’re a perfect shape.
The first thing to do when you want to create a perfect circle is to draw a circle. Don’t worry about it looking perfect, but make sure the two ends of the circle meet. Don’t take your pencil or finger off of the screen when you have finished.

Hold your pencil or finger there until the circle moves or bobbles into a shape. You can move the finger or pencil inwards or outwards to make the circle smaller or bigger. To do this, you have to use the finger or pencil that drew the circle and is therefore still on the screen. Once you’re happy with the how big the circle is, you can let go to finalize it.
You probably noticed that the circle isn’t perfect. It could have even turned into a different shape. That’s because there is one more step.
Once you let go of the circle, you’ll see a little notification come up under the tool bar that says “Edit Shape”.

After you click “Edit Shape”, you’ll see at least one button come up where the “Edit Shape” button was. More than likely, there will be a button that says “Ellipse” that is blue. The button is blue because that is the shape currently selected. Hopefully, one of the buttons should say “Circle”. Click the “Circle” button and your circle will turn into a perfect circle.

If there is no “Circle” button, you will have to click on the canvas to get out of “Edit Shape” and then redraw the circle using the same method. If this doesn’t seem to be working, make sure the ends of the circle meet. Also make sure it isn’t abnormally wide or long. These two things will help the “Circle” button come up.
Something you might notice is that after clicking “Edit Shape”, blue nodes will appear on the circle. You can’t use those to make the circle bigger at this step. The blue nodes will just stretch the circle and make it into an oval.
When you’re done, click anywhere on the canvas but the blue nodes or the circle and what you did to edit the shape will be saved.
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