How to create a glitter effect on Procreate

How to create a glitter effect on Procreate

Want to learn how to make a glitter effect on Procreate? Here’s an easy way to turn the contents of a layer on Procreate into glitter! All you need to do is apply this glitter effect.

How do you apply this glitter effect? Simply follow my instructions below. 

First of all, here’s what my picture looks like without the glitter effect. 

I want to turn the confetti in the picture into glittery confetti. (By the way, you can check out the brushes I used to make this confetti here).

To turn this confetti into glitter, I’m first going to go to adjustments (adjustments is in the top left corner and looks like a wand).

You’ll see an option on adjustments called ‘Noise’. Click ‘Noise’.

Before you change any Noise settings, you need to increase how much Noise will affect the layer. Put your finger on the left side of the screen and drag it to the right to increase Noise. You’ll see a blue line towards the top of your screen and a percentage above it. This tells you how much Noise will apply to the layer. The more Noise, the more of a glitter effect there will be. Drag your finger from right to left to decrease Noise. 

Next, there’s a box at the bottom of the screen where you can mess around with the Noise settings to your liking. I won’t get too much into the Noise settings, but a few good things to know about the Noise settings: Octaves and Turbulence both affect the complexity and detail of the Noise. Scale determines the size of the Noise. You want the scale to be extremely small. The three tabs (Clouds, Billows, and Ridges) are called Noise Style Buttons and they determine the detail and texture of the Noise. Clouds looks the most coarse. Billows looks finer and more detailed. Ridges is even more detailed than Billows. 

When you’re done, click the Adjustments’ button to save your changes. 

One good thing to know is that Noise only applies to the layer you’re currently on.

That’s all for how to make a glitter effect on Procreate! Make sure you check out our Procreate brushes and other blog posts, and don’t forget to subscribe to our email list.  

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