How to copy color on Procreate

How to copy color on Procreate

How do you copy a color on Procreate? There are a few ways to do this, which I’ll show you in this blog post. 

First, there’s something you need to realize about copying a color in Procreate. There are multiple things you could mean by ‘copy a color on Procreate’, since you can’t literally copy a color.

What could you mean by ‘copy a color on Procreate’? You could mean ‘copy’ a color from your canvas. This means you select a color from your canvas, which then becomes your current color. In a way, you’re copying a color from your canvas and then pasting it as your current color. To learn how to do this, read this blog post

The second thing you could mean could be how to copy the hexadecimal of the color. Copying the hexadecimal is the closest you can come to actually copying the color. The hexadecimal is essentially the code for a color. The numbers in the code represent how much red, blue and green are in a color. Paste the hexadecimal in the correct spot and you’ll get the exact color.

In this blog post, I’m going to show you how to copy the hexadecimal of a color in Procreate, and therefore ‘copy’ a color in Procreate. 

To copy the hexadecimal, go to Colors. Then, go to Value. You should see the hexadecimal on Value.

To copy the hexadecimal, do whatever you usually do to copy text. For me, that was to quickly double tap the hexadecimal, so that it was highlighted. Then I clicked copy. 

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