How to change a layer’s color in Procreate - change the colors of a layer or a portion of a layer
Let me show you multiple ways to change a layer’s color in Procreate. Different methods of doing this work better under different circumstances, so I thought I would show you all of the methods I know.
Let’s get right into it.
1. Colordrop
ColorDrop allows you to fill in sections of your drawing with a new color by dragging the new color to that section. To colordrop, put your finger on the color bubble. Then, drag your finger across the screen to the section you would like to colordrop into. Lastly, drop the color by lifting your finger off of the screen. If colordrop doesn’t work well, read this to learn what’s wrong and how to fix it.
2. Layer color hue
There are two ways to change the layer color hue. The first allows you to change the whole layer’s hue, saturation and brightness. The second allows you to change a part of the layer to any hue.
2. A
Make sure you’re on the layer you would like to change. Next, go to adjustments (looks like a magic wand). Click ‘Hue, Saturation, Brightness’. Lastly, adjust the hue, saturation and brightness by adjusting the sliders.
Go to layers and make a new layer. Change the blend mode of the layer to ‘Color’. To change the blend mode, click the ‘N’ that is to the right of the layer’s name. Then, scroll towards the bottom and click ‘Color’.
Now, go to the color panel and change to the color you want the layer or a portion of the layer to be. Then, draw over the sections you want to change to that color. Using this method, you can change the hue. The saturation and brightness of the original color affect the end result, so it probably won’t look exactly like the color you picked. For example, if I have a dark blue color, and I go over it with a light blue color, the end result will be a medium blue that’s in between the dark and light blue.
You may change colors throughout this process so that different sections of the layer are different colors.
3. Invert the layer
Inverting a layer invert’s every color on a layer to its opposite color. To invert a layer, make sure the layer you want to invert is chosen. If it is chosen, it will be blue. Tap that layer. A menu will appear featuring invert. Simply click invert and the layer’s colors will invert.
4. Alpha lock
Alpha lock allows you to change the colors of strokes you’ve made on a layer. To turn on Alpha lock, go to Layers. Make sure the layer you want to Alpha lock is blue. Click that layer. Then, click Alpha lock. Now, you can’t make new brushstrokes on that layer, but you can go over the already made brushstrokes with a new color.
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